Thursday, August 11, 2011

After Noon In Pictures

Today, a few more interesting things happened. Just think of the first as a shift from laboratory experimentation to natural observation. That is, we saw whales surfacing and spouting up water in the far distance by the trench.

If you click on this image to see it bigger, you can distinguish a water spout in the middle left side of the picture on the horizon. Yep, that's a whale, and that's the most we saw of the whale itself, though nobody minded pausing to watch for more. One time three spouted air at once and it almost seemed like you could see them breaching the surface of the water if you looked close enough. Unfortunately, my amateur's camera couldn't capture that much accurately.

Yes, even Dr. Deheyn is looking out the window (far right).


At 1:00PM we had a celebratory luncheon at the little "commons" in between both labs as a kind of going-away party for three of the interns. We all gathered around the rather small table and had a fun time. Most importantly, Dimitri brought authentic Belgian waffles (he is Belgian) and they were awesome!

Authentic (if mini) Belgian Waffles!
Soon enough though, everyone was back to work....

....when they weren't posing for the camera....




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