Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Ossicle Sorter TWO

Similar in design to its predecessor, the Ossicle Sorter 2 came into being as a result of necessity: in order to prevent the a mix-up in ossicles from different species of brittle star.

The white specks in the already teeny tube are brittle star ossicles from a species different from O. californica

A new species of brittle star facilitated the creation of a second Ossicle Sorter in order to avoid any mixup between the microscopic bones

To the naked eye, this is what O. californica ossicles look like on the Ossicle Sorter
The new brittle star ossicles are a lot smaller as shown here on the Ossicle Sorter 2

Green tape was used to prevent a possible mix-up
Under the highest magnification that the light microscope I use can go to, this is the biggest the tiny bones in the Ossicle Sorter 2 appear

The Eppendorf tubes containing hundreds of 'tiny bones' lay dramatically in the light of the light microscope

Quite Dramatic

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