Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 0

It's the dream internship for any kid of any age. Imagine: right above Scripps Pier, studying light and bio-luminescence in macro marine organisms (the big stuff that you can see), learning about what lives in the oceans we know and love, and gaining experience and insight for the future at the same time. And it's mine this summer.

I'll be working with Dr. Dimitri Deheyn in the Marine Biology Research Department of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography for the whole summer. I'll be volunteering alongside him, graduate, and undergraduate students, and of course the macro marine organisms that glow and reflect and are amazing and alive....that is, until we dissect them. But that's beside the point. The point is that they are and we are able to study them and discover what makes them do what they do--the conditions, the chemicals, the very essence of what makes them tick. In the least, we can observe them. And what greater feat of mother nature can there be than these creatures that imitate the life force of earth and the solar system--the sun! in all its shining glory. These organisms shine and reflect in order to reproduce or defend themselves, perhaps even lure prey or communicate. There is light not only in the heavens, but beneath the seas.

And there's also light inside us, passion waiting to be ignited, sparked by curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. It is, perhaps, the brightest light on earth--that light inside our minds--for that fire inside humankind has driven us to do many great things and discover our potential. And when we realize our potential and the fact that it has no limits or bounds, then we can truly do anything.

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